Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Driving in Tuscany

One of my favorite parts of being in Tuscany so far is the driving. We rented a car in Rome and have it until we get to Milan on Saturday. Driving in Italy is so very different than driving in the States.

From 2009-10-17 Rome to Tuscany
The first thing I noticed is that everyone here drives much better and faster. The entire time I have been here I have never once seen anyone pass one the right side. You drive on the right and only get in the left lane to pass, and quickly get back into the right lane. If you want to drive so you can, but expect other drivers to get right on your ass and then pass you quickly.

From 2009-10-17 Rome to Tuscany
Also, the views are incredible, and matched with and amazingly well kept road system, it is a breeze to drive. The only times it gets a little scary is when you are on a small country road and you pass a large car or truck with just inches to spare.

From 2009-10-19 (Tuscany, Pisa)
This happened to our car when we made a wrong turn down a small street and had to turn around with very litle room. Oops! Sorry Europcar.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    Looks like an awesome trip. Love the pics of Tuscany. Keep em coming.
